(source http://www.mypalhs.com/forums/sh ... ater-Snail-Database)
Thread: Freshwater Snail Database
Scientific Name: Clithon corona; Clithon coronatus; Clithon diadema; Clithon longispinus
Common Names: Horned Nerite Snail; Bumblebee Nerite Snail; Staghorn Nerite Snail
Care Level: easy
Adult Size: 0.6 inch
pH Range: 7.6-8.0
Temperature Range: 64-81 degrees Fahrenheit (18-27 degrees Celsius)
Origin: Indo-Pacific region.
Clithon corona-Philippines, Indonesia
Clithon coronatus-Philippines
Clithon diadema-Indonesia
Clithon longispinus-Philippines
Temperament: peaceful
Compatible Tank mates:
Horned nerite snails will work almost perfectly with all community setups provided the water conditions required are met. They should not however be mixed with fish that will constantly harass or harm them to death such as loaches of the botiine genus and puffers.
Diet: Like other nerites, horned nerites prefer algae and biofilm as their primary foods. Supplementing them with anything else is next to impossible as they will not take anything easily although there have been occasional reports of them found to be eaten carrot slices, cucumber slices, peas and snail jello with pea flavor.
Tank Size For Adult: 1 per 2.5g. Note however that this is more of a guideline than actual stocking. Nerites excrete a lot of wastes for their size and it is advisable that the filtration be maximized when considering these snails.
Lifespan: 5-10 years
Horned nerite snails (Clithon corona) have been reported to be found in Palawan, Dumaguete City, Dipolog City and Cebu City of the Philippines. Colors vary depending on the sources where they were obtained from.
Horned nerite snail is named after its spines found at the rear part of its shell. The spikes are meant as a defense mechanism from predators and can inflict cuts if not handled carefully. Nerites are extremely docile animals that will not bother anything at all. Specimens often sold in pet stores have less than perfect spines. Why? The spines are easily damaged especially during transport and are also mishandled by their suppliers and retailers.
Horned nerites grow no more than an inch size in shell diameter. Their shells are very thick and these are great calcium absorbers requiring lots of calcium to maintain sturdy shells. They will eat nothing but algae and biofilm. Many people have reported unsuccessful attempts to get them to eat other foods such as the popular homemade snail jello with the possible exception of those with peas mixed which have been reported to attract the snail into eating them. It is therefore very important that these snails be introduced in a well established tank where it will meet its adequate food supply.
Horned nerite snails are efficient algae eaters and are often suggested as "clean up crews" for several different biotopes. Due to their spikes, they can easily deter most predators however it is not advisable to mix them with fish that will potentially harass or harm them to death. Care must be taken when trying to keep these snails. They will not do well in soft acidic water or water inadequate or lacking in calcium as this will cause shell erosion which will eventually leave the snail prone to damages and other health issues.
Breeding is next to impossible. Though the snails will lay trails of white eggs around the tank, none of the eggs will remain viable enough to hatch into velligers (larva) as the eggs require brackish conditions in order to hatch. The larva themselves need microalgae and phytoplanktons in order to survive to snail stage. |