English name: Zebra Lobster, Tiger Lobster Scientific name: Cherax peknyi (former named: "zebra", "tiger", "papuanus") Origin: New Guinea Size male/female: around 12 cm or 4.7 inch Water temperature: 20 - 26 °C or 68 - 79 °F Water Parameters: pH 6.7 - 8.0 Behaviour: peacefull, a bit rough when they are catching food. Difficulty: easy Description:
One of the most peacefull crays.
There are some different color variations existing. The ones with broadly stripes are called Tigerlobster. My experience on this species:
This crayfish is very shy and normally active in the night or when you are feeding. They can be kept in a community tank.
Plants are not eaten but can be damaged while digging. Remarks:
Take care of enough hiding places like caves. Zebralobsters like to eat snails and leaves. They eat every other normal fishfood too.
Tanksize at least 100 litres (around 26 gallons), sometimes 60 litres is enough for a compatible pair.